Friday, May 23, 2008

Sullen Movie Reviews - Hard Copy

ok, like where to start on this crappy job. Ugh....I like so can't believe he makes me work for him now. Ok like so where to start on my movie reviews......hmmm I only review DVD's cause like I like to sit at home alone, in the dark abyss that is my so called life.

Hmm, like ok, let me start with Juno. It was like a really good movie. The smart mouthed young girl had a point to make. She made people listen to her and respect her mistake. She took a fuck up and made it right by the end. The only thing is, you know that she and the baby both will end up sucked into a dark abyss from depression over this. But like, that's cool too. So I just imagined My own dark ended to their tragic story.

Sweeny Todd was an dark and twisted tail of pain and suffering. There was dramatic goth make-up, and everyone looked dirty. It was like wicked cool! And like omg, there was sooo much blood!!!! I so loved it. Gushing rivers of blood...mmm.....watching it made me want to cut myself and watch the blood come seeping out of my torn flesh. 5 stars all the way!

Hard Candy was another wicked cool movie! It was a small movie that no one has heard about, that had the same girl from Juno in it. It was amazing!!!! She mindfucked this man so deep. Oh it made my skin crawl at points. It soooo turned me on! This is like a amazing date movie to watch. *sigh* That is if I had someone to watch it with. So alone I got the thrill of thinking how I would love to do this to a man. How I would love to turn the tables on him and watch him suffer before my very eyes. Oh yeah, wicked awesome! Another 5 star movie!

Then I was like forced to watch this movies, 27 Dress. It was like ok, this girl is like always the bridesmaid. There were a few really cool dresses she had to wear. There was on with this dog collar and leather look. So cool. But most were like really girlie. Ewww, like gross. She also met this really cynical guy, who does not believe in marriage. He was really hot cause of it. But then, ughh the freakn girly. Like this happy ever after crap. Like who believes in that shit anyway? You know anyone who gets married is doomed from the start. So totally lame ass ending.

Fallen was another movie I watched. It was about this dark crazy killer, or so you thought, who died in the electric chair. Like Oh My God! So cool watching him die! Made me think of death, what that dark place will be like when I get there. Feeling the life drain from my body. But then to find out, he was really a fallen angel. So wicked, so dark, so amazing! He then kept killing people, and making this goodie goodie cop look guilty and crazy. Oh so cool. The ending was the best. You think the good guys win.....but nooooo. I should so tell you the ending and ruin it for you. Just because that would be so cool, but like wolver would be pissed. I hate when he gets all grown up looking. Ugh! So like whateva. It was a dark, hard, cool!!!

Well there you go. That is my sullen movie reviews. Read it or not, like it or not. Now I am going back to listen to some depressing music in the dark.....and think about the shiny razors in Sweeny Todd.......

by V

Thursday, May 22, 2008

Why do I ask why?

Alone in the dark I sit here again.........

Why do I always find myself here?

Why can't life be easy once in awhile?

Why when you hurt the darkness is the only place to find comfort?

Why does it feel like world stopped spinning?

Why does it feel like my heart is broken?

Why does it hurt so bad?

Why can't I just cry?

Why can't I just forget?

Why do I ask why?