Thursday, March 13, 2008

Now that you're gone.......

I sit here in the dark once more, consumed by the loneliness. My heart has been ripped out of my chest, leaving a dark void.

Why is the world so unfair?


Why I ask????????

I must write to let My anguished soul cry out......

Now that you're gone,
It's too dark at night.
It's constantly cold.
And nothing seems right.

Now that you're gone
It hurts to be alone.
I can't stand it here without you
Afraid and on my own.

Now that you're gone,
I can't seem to find my smile.
I didn't think I'd lose it yet,
At least not for a while

Now that you're gone,
I can't help but yearn
For the love that we had
And the day that you'll return

Now that you're gone
And have left me behind
I'm loosing my focus
And have already lost my mind.

Now that you're gone
Nothing else will matter
Each day I'm without you
My heart won't cease to shatter

Now that you're gone
All it does is rain,
The heavens seems to weep,
As if they feel my pain.

Now that you're gone
I just want to cry,
Because I curse that day you left,
When we had to say good-bye.

Now that you're gone
I only want one wish,
For you to come back
And give me just one kiss